General Child Welfare & Advocacy Information ::
Ways to Help ::
Ways to Get Help for Children ::
For Parents ::
For Professionals ::
Child Abuse & Neglect in Connecticut ::

Joyworks for the End of Child Abuse & Neglect
Value. Respect. Love. Honor. Treasure. Words we hear used in relationship to children everyday. But not practiced everywhere. Children are the one most single important resource we have - in your community and mine. The status, treatment and condition of children in our communities reflects who we were, who we are, where we may yet be - as individuals and as a society. It is my hope that the information presented and linked here will touch each of you just enough to spark your concern, promote healing or help you make it through painful times.
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." ~ Nelson Mandela
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General Child Welfare & Advocacy Information

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Child Abuse & Neglect in Connecticut
Places to Volunteer/Ways to Help
- "One on One" Mentor Program: The Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) has a program just for youth. It is called "One on One" and it is a way for you to help Connecticut's youth become their best.
- Blinky Patrol: Volunteers and organizations across the country make binkies and give them away to children in need of comfort.
- Mercy Corps: Not-for-profit organization that exists to alleviate suffering, poverty, and oppression by helping people build secure, productive, and just communities.
- Brother's Brother Foundation: Proviing food, textbooks, and pharmaceuticals to children and communities in need. The foundation has provided 48 million books, serving 25 million students in more than 50,000 academic institutions worldwide. One of the most efficient and effective non-profit organizations in the US.
- Healing the Children: Non-profit, non-partisan, volunteer organization holding a 501(c)(3) tax exemption, whose purpose is to help children throughout the world receive medical care unavailable to them due to lack of medical and financial resources or health insurance.
- Child Adoption Resource Association: Non-profit 501(c)(3), licensed, child-placing agency committed to finding families for special needs, hard-to-place and minority children in need of adoptive placement.
- Stand for Children: Nationwide grassroots voice for children - taking action at the national, state, community, and neighborhood levels - from early childhood education and the schools to after-school programs and health services for kids.
Resources/Ways to Get Help for Children
- North East Digitial Village's April is National Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month Getting Help for Children
- Brave Kids: Non-profit organization that helps children with chronic, life threatening illnesses and disabilities. Programs include an online community and web resource center for kids with special needs, their families and healthcare professionals, donations to disadvantaged children with special needs so they can maintain their education while they are out of school, resource centers in pediatric wards of hospitals and family centers so parents can locate the most recent medical information and resources.
- Connecticut HUSKY Plan: Designed to help all CT children who don't have health insurance. It includes services under the traditional Medicaid program, provides brand-new health services for children in higher-income families, for children who have intensive physical or behavioral health needs.
- Legal Resources for Victims of Sexual Abuse: from Susan K. Smith, Attorney at Law, Hartford CT.
- CT Department of Children & Families: Reporting child abuse & neglect as well as other ways to help children in CT.
- Victim Services Information & Rights: State of CT Juducal Branch
- How to Find a Victims' Lawyer in Your Area: from Susan K. Smith, Attorney at Law, Hartford CT.
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Resources for Professionals
Resources for Parents
- North East Digitial Village's April is National Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Month Resources for Parents
- GreatKidsCT: web site for parents devoted to information on parenting, education, and health and safety. Resources available on this site are related to children from birth to eight.
- IDEA Practices: provides useful and timely information to help professionals and families understand and implement IDEA 97. Special features include a monthly online and email newsletter--IDEAnews--providing up-to-date news and resources, unique hyperlinked and searchable versions of the IDEA law and regulations, a series of FAQ's, and an extensive set of IDEA-related resources, all reviewed by OSEP for accuracy and consistency with IDEA '97. Sign up to receive IDEAnews at http://www.ideapractices.org/ideanews/subscribe.php.
- North East Digital Village Parent Place: Information and links for parents
- The Cool Line Is Here!: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Program of The Consultation Center has begun a new service for custodial grandparents. Each day, Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM, grandparents can call (203)789-7645 and ask for the Cool Line. Questions about parenting their grandchildren, covering such issues as sleeping problems, discipline, angry or sad feelings or simply what to expect as a child grows will be answered within two working days by experts in the field of child development.
- Court Cafe Glossary : Definition of terms concerning child welfare and Juvenile Courts in Connecticut.
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